“Recently awarded Considerate Constructors Scheme Best Practise Hub”

When people talk about using microbes to clean up after the devastating effects of an event like an oil spill. What they’re really talking about are massive communities of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi all working in tandem with one another. These organisms enter into an ecosystem and work hard to break down the spilled oil – first into carbon dioxide, then into water – essentially by consuming them.

The most fascinating part of all of this is that these microbes are just doing what they’ve always done – they consume and ultimately break down materials like oil by way of their natural biology. Think about it like this: when a human being eats a plate of food, their body internalizes and breaks down that food and converts it into energy. Microbes are essentially doing the exact same thing – they take in the tens of thousands of different compounds that make up oil and burn those oil hydrocarbons, virtually eliminating them.

Purchase microbes from our Amazon Link:https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N64NU0E

Why Microbial Treatments Matter

Oil spills happen on construction sites for a variety of different reasons – even the simple transfer of fuels can often lead to a spill if the process is not properly monitored. The most important thing to understand is that the site must be cleaned up without harming the environment any more than it already has been. Often times techniques like dispersants only treat the symptom, not the underlying condition. They do little to actually get rid of the oil – they merely change its physical form.

With microbial treatments and the types of spill containment kits offered by Polysorb, on the other hand, you not only contain and ultimately eliminate spilled oil – you also reduce the risk of a secondary contamination as much as possible. Microbe treatments are so effective at cleaning up oil spills because the microbes themselves have genetic instructions to produce oil-degrading enzymes. Biologically speaking, the microbes continue to break down that oil into simple carbon compounds that are used to make sugars, fats and proteins – anything they need for their own growth and energy production.

To put it in simpler terms, using microbes to clean up oil spills doesn’t simply alter the physical form of the oil – it just makes more microbes! When the site itself is cleaned up and the environment returns to normal, that process quickly stops and the community of microorganisms returns to its pre-spill abundance. In fact, many of those microbes are simply consumed by larger predators – allowing the local environment to return to normal and leaving your company with a clean site at the exact same time.

Proven recently in Finland:   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5124059/

The Polysorb Approach

At Polysorb Group, we understand the challenges faced by modern construction companies around the country. Any job presents its own unique set of issues, to say nothing of how complex things can quickly become when you’re dealing with an event like an oil spill on a sensitive construction site. Recently awarded Best Practise award


We deeply believe in the many benefits that only using microbes for oil spills bring to the table. Whether you’re dealing with a small oil spill / leak 10 to 20 litres from a particular piece of equipment to a larger spill or absolutely anything in between, microbes are the only highly effective and proven method to generate the results you need as safely and as securely as possible.

If you’d like to find out more information about using microbes to clean up oil spills, or if you have any other important questions that you’d like to see answered, please don’t delay – contact Polysorb Group today abrines@polysorb.net or view products in the shop   https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N64NU0E

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